So Amanda and I went to the bank to buy a bus pass. As we were riding up the elevator we turned around and noticed these friendly fellows standing behind us. The guys they were protecting were both carrying a stuffed to the gills duffel bag...straight out of a shady mob movie scene. When they got to the teller "each individual stack was so tall that they kept toppling over. and the rubber bands that were holding the stacks together kept breaking." i think they were trying to decide how best to divy up the cash among all the customers...
seriously though, there was a lot of money in those bags. crazy.
Wow, I'm surprised that they didn't confiscate you camera and harvest your organs. Missed you guys at good old Farmers market, had a tri-tip sandwich firestone fries, mmmmmm. too soon? Do they label their products lead/poison free?
dan and amanda :) looks like you both are having a great time in China - those pictures are incredible - i am so blown away :) you both are awesome and it was a pleasure to get to know you at Poly!
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